I hope that you enjoy taking a look at my site.

Along the process of building my portfolio, I have been able to work with some amazing people.

One of my main goals in life is to tell stories through photography, videos and design. I started taking photos at a very young age with an old Miranda film camera that my great uncle brought back with him from the Korean War. Ever since then, I can remember spending every penny of my allowance money to develop photos.

I have to say I am truly blessed to have lived in so many different places in the world. I grew up as a third-generation missionary kid in both Ghana and Kenya. The experience that I have received from living in a third-world country is priceless to me.

I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in communication from Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida. I am currently located in Lakeland, Florida, working as a freelance photographer, videographer and graphic designer.

If you are interested in having me tell your story or just want to have coffee, please don’t hesitate to contact me.